Wednesday, April 1, 2009


My favorite genre is comedy because there are many types of comedy. You don't just have to watch plain comedy, it can be romantic comedy, designed to make you laugh but also show you that relationships can be funny,there is also slapstick comedy films. Another type of comedy would be dark comedy that enlighten the otherwise pessimistic matters such as war or illness. I love comedy films because they take an every day situation and turn it into a thing to laugh about and not stress about.

My Top 3 Comedy Films

1. Superbad
Superbad is one of my favorite comedies because its hilarious. I love how the problems the main characters have to face are issues that teenagers face every day. I like how its not exaggerated, the story is like every day in the life of a teenager. It kept me laughing throughout the whole movie. You can really relate to the characters in the movie which makes a movie so much better when you can relate to the story being told.

This movie is my second favorite comedy because i thought it was really funny and it was a great movie. I love watching Juno because it took a situation that young teenage girls are going through and made it into a funny situation that can be handled. I like how the character didn't just get rid of the baby she did what was best for the baby, which is another reason why i like the movie because they aren't showing girls the easy way out, they are showing that there is other ways to handle the situation.

3.The House Bunny
The House Bunny is my third favorite movie because it really was what i expected it to be. It was funny but not in a way that it made fun of other people in order to be funny. I like how the character teaches other girls that what you look like or how you dress doesnt matter much. She shows them that what matters is who you are inside and you dont have to pretend to be something you're not to get someone to like you.

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