Thursday, April 30, 2009


Raiders of the Lost Ark is an action-adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg. This movie was realeased in 1981. Raiders of the Lost Ark is about a man, Indiana Jones, played by Harrison Ford, who searches for the Lost Ark but he has to fight against Nazis to get it. I really loved this movie because there was so much action in it, I was on the edge of my seat waiting to know what would happen next. I loved every scene of the movie, but one of my favorite scenes was when the Nazis trap Indiana Jones and his lady friend underground after they find the Lost Ark. I was in suspense thinking that they would be trapped there forever. I thought that the actors did a great job especially when they had to be trapped with a bunch of snakes. I thought the movie was very detailed and it was not confusing at all, like other movies I've seen that have the audience all confused and not even knowing what is going on in the movie. Every one who watches this movie will agree that Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark is a movie you wont regret watching and you can't miss out on watching such a great movie like this one. It's because of the great success of this movie that more than one sequel were made for this movie but I can say with no doubt about it this is the best movie of all the Indiana Jones movies. I really wish everyone would watch this movie because I know that not only kids will enjoy it but also parents will love this movie. Raiders of the Lost Ark is and will be the best Indiana Jones movie and has to be watched by every one who enjoys a great movie with action and adventure in it.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Stand By Me is an adventure-drama film directed by Rob Reiner. The movie is about four 12-year-old boys who embark on a journey far from where they live to go see the dead body of a boy who was killed by a train. The four main characters are Gordie, the smartest one of the four, played by Wil Wheaton, Chris, the rebel and leader of the crew, played by River Phoenix, and Teddy, the kid with a psycho dad, played by Cory Feldman, and the little fat boy the others make fun of, Vern, played by Jerry O'Connell. I think all the actors did a great job in this movie. They were all really realistic they made me believe as if their characters were real and as if I was just one of them embarking on the journey with them. I loved everything about the movie because it was such a different story, it wasn't like any other kid movie I have seen before because usually movies with kid actors are lame and don't really have an interesting plot to follow. But Stand By Me was a great movie that I really enjoyed watching although i think the end of the story could have been better because it really didn't show what happened to the other guys and I would have loved it if they had giving more information about it, it left me hanging but other than that the movie was gnarly. I thought the director made a great job in capturing the feelings of the characters in each scene. This movie is really fun to watch with your friends because it makes you think if your friends would ever be down to do what those kids did. Stand By Me is a must see movie with out a doubt one of my personal favorites.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Finding Nemo is an animated film written by Andrew Stanton and produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios. Finding Nemo is a movie about a clownfish Marlin, voice over by Albert Brooks, he is an overly protective father who along with Dory, voice by Ellen De Generes, a fish who has short term memory loss but somehow remembers things when shes with Marlin, go in search of Marlins son Nemo, voice by Alexander Gould. I thought Finding Nemo was one of the greatest computer animated movies ever made. It shows how far a father's love will go in order to find his son. I loved Finding Nemo because it had a great story to tell and show to little kids and families. It showed that a father will do anything and will go to great lengths to find his son. This movie wasn't just any other animated film it was the best one in my opinion. I enjoyed watching the adventures Marlin and Dory had, it made me feel like I was in search of Nemo too. Another thing I liked about Finding Nemo was that it wasn't all just sad things happening throughout the whole movie, there were funny things going on and there were scenes that inspired to appreciate what you have and not wait until you lose it to realize that you need them. It also showed kids that they should always listen to what their parents tell them because they always know what is best for you. Every one who watched Finding Nemo learned a great lesson, and that is that you should always trust what your parents say and always do whatever it takes and fight hard for what you want and never give up. Finding Nemo is a movie that will be watched by kids and parents too for a very long time. I love how this movie portrays the love of a father for his son, it was so realistic you didn't even see them as fish anymore you thought of Marlin as a some one that any father can relate to and that was great. Finding Nemo is and always will be to me the best animated film ever made.

Friday, April 17, 2009

#7 IRON MAN (critical review)

Iron Man is an action adventure movie directed by Jon Favreau, the movie stars Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark. Iron Man is a superhero movie based on the Marvel Comics of the same name. In the movie Tony Stark is a billionaire engineer who builds a metal suit that later becomes known as the Iron Man. Also in this movie are other great actors like Gwyneth Paltrow who plays Pepper Potts, Starks personal assistant, there is also Terrence Howard as James Rhodes, a military friend and accomplice of Stark. Iron man is a great movie its very thrilling and exciting to watch because it keeps you on edge trying to figure out what the Iron Man is going to do next. The director did a great job every scene of the movie was very well done down to the last detail of every scene. Nothing looked too exaggerated like other superhero movies that have scenes with situations that are not very realistic. In Iron Man every thing was believable and realistic except of course for the actual super hero, Iron Man, other than that it portrays problems like weapons used by other people to harm others for no reason. I enjoyed watching Iron Man because its a great movie to watch on a date or with family and friends, its not just a movie you can watch with friends this is a family movie that I'm sure every one will enjoy watching. Its such a thriller and there's so much action going on that you never get bored or even think of stopping it and watching it some other time. Once you start watching this movie you wont want to stop until it's over, I guarantee it. This is a movie you can watch more than once because it's so fun to watch the Iron Man doing what he does best and that's kicking the bad people's butt. This is a great movie and I recommend this movie to every one who enjoys a great thrilling action-adventure superhero movie. Every one who watches Iron Man will agree with me in stating that Iron Man is one of the greatest superhero movies ever done.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Twilight is a romantic-fantasy film directed by Catherine Hardwicke and based on the romantic novels of the same name written by Stephenie Meyer. In this film we meet a seventeen year old girl named Bella Swan, played by Kristen Stewart, a girl who moves in with her single father. She later meets the Cullen brothers, Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice and the hottest one, Edward, played by Robert Pattinson. When Edward and Bella first meet it seems like Edward was disgusted by Bella we later find out that it wasn't that he was disgusted but it was something much more complicated than that. This scene was great because your watching this movie expecting to see them fall in love as soon as they see each other but it wasn't like that. This scene really threw me off because I wasn't expecting for him to react to her the way he did. It had me thinking he hated her and didn't want anything to do with her. I like how it took some time and a lot of things to happen for them to even talk to each other. Twilight is everything you would expect it to be, it draws you in right at the first scene. It makes you want to keep watching it over it and over again. I love how the Cullens, the vampires, were not portrayed as evil but as the good type of vampires. Twilight is one of the greatest movies I have ever seen, because its not like any other movies I have seen before. I'm sure every one who watches Twilight will be amazed with how great the movie turned out. Twilight is with out a doubt a must see movie.

#6 NAPOLEON DYNAMITE (critical review)

Napoleon Dynamite is an independent film directed by Jared Hess and Jerusha Hess. This movie is an independent comedy film and a great movie to watch with family and friends. Napoleon Dynamite stars Jon Heder as Napoleon, a nerd who befriends a new foreign student,Pedro, played by Efren Ramirez, and Debbie, a shy girl, played by Tina Majorino. These three friends go through a lot of funny experiences together. Napoleon lives with his grandma and his brother Kip, played by Aaron Ruell, who chats with babes and is training to be a cage fighter. But when grandma suffers an accident she sends uncle Rico to watch after Napoleon and Kip. Uncle Rico, played by Jon Gries, comes into Napoleon's life just to ruin it. Like when uncle Rico starts selling Tupperware and Breast Enhancer to the popular girls from Napoleon's high school. I thought this part of the movie was hilarious because what teenager isn't embarrassed by an adult from his family. But this movie also has some issues teenagers can relate to. Like when Pedro runs for class president, he runs against Summer, the popular girl, played by Haylie Duff, knowing that he may lose because no one knows him. But Pedro manages to not fall under pressure and goes on with the speech he prepared. Its things like this part of the movie that I like because people can see that you can do what you want even if it involves running against a popular person. Just do what you got to do like when Napoleon came up with a great skit for Pedro since he hadn't prepared one. I love the scene with Napoleon doing the skit, it was great and with out a doubt my favorite part of the movie. Napoleon Dynamite is one of my favorite movies because it was done on a low budget and really proved itself to be a movie that will be talked about and kept in peoples favorite movie list for a long time. I really enjoyed and loved watching this independent comedy that turned into a huge success. This movie is the best comedy film and every one should watch it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

#5 THE MATRIX (critical review)

The Matrix is a thriller movie with a lot of action in it. Every one who watched it started off by not knowing what the Matrix was, and many still didn't know what it was after they watched it due to its mind bending scenes. It confuses your mind between reality and fantasy, it leaves you thiking. Although its kind of confusing if you really pay attention to the details you will understand what the Matrix is about. The Matrix has many thrilling scenes that keep you engaged in the movie. Like when Neo, a computer hacker, played by Keanu Reeves, gets surprised when his computer gets hacked by a mysterious person and starts talking to him. At this point no one knows whats going on, you keep wondering along with the character who this mysterious person is. This random person tells Neo to follow the white rabbit. This leads Neo to a very strange girl named Trinity, played by Carrie-Anne Moss. Neo then finds out that a man that offers him the chance to learn the truth about the matrix, named Morpheus, played by Laurence Fishburne, has actually been searching for him and wants him to join his crew. Now were all wondering along with Neo what the Matrix is and who Morpheus really is and what he really wants from Neo. It turns out Morpheus is a captain of a small ship fighting against the government agents that look like Men in Black. He believes Neo is the one who can save them. I really didn't think Neo was the right guy to save them but then he starts training and really starting to believe what the Matrix really is according to Morpheus and his crew. I thought that all the characters were great, they had me believing that the Matrix was real and could really be true in the future. And I'm sure that's exactly what the Wachowski brothers wanted to have you tripping out between reality and fantasy. I really enjoyed watching The Matrix, I cant really say it was what I expected because I didn't really know what to expect of it due to the fact that i had no clue what the Matrix was. But I'm sure every one who watches it will really enjoy it, its worth every cent you pay to watch it.


My favorite genre is comedy because there are many types of comedy. You don't just have to watch plain comedy, it can be romantic comedy, designed to make you laugh but also show you that relationships can be funny,there is also slapstick comedy films. Another type of comedy would be dark comedy that enlighten the otherwise pessimistic matters such as war or illness. I love comedy films because they take an every day situation and turn it into a thing to laugh about and not stress about.

My Top 3 Comedy Films

1. Superbad
Superbad is one of my favorite comedies because its hilarious. I love how the problems the main characters have to face are issues that teenagers face every day. I like how its not exaggerated, the story is like every day in the life of a teenager. It kept me laughing throughout the whole movie. You can really relate to the characters in the movie which makes a movie so much better when you can relate to the story being told.

This movie is my second favorite comedy because i thought it was really funny and it was a great movie. I love watching Juno because it took a situation that young teenage girls are going through and made it into a funny situation that can be handled. I like how the character didn't just get rid of the baby she did what was best for the baby, which is another reason why i like the movie because they aren't showing girls the easy way out, they are showing that there is other ways to handle the situation.

3.The House Bunny
The House Bunny is my third favorite movie because it really was what i expected it to be. It was funny but not in a way that it made fun of other people in order to be funny. I like how the character teaches other girls that what you look like or how you dress doesnt matter much. She shows them that what matters is who you are inside and you dont have to pretend to be something you're not to get someone to like you.